Vidermina Prebiotic Cleansing Foam, 150 mL
Vidermina Prebiotic Cleansing Foam, 150 mL
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Vidermina Prebiotic Cleansing Foam, 150 mL

Manufacturer: Istituto Ganassini
Vidermina Prebiotic Cleansing Foam is an innovative cleansing cosmetic product with an acidic pH between 3 and 3.5 units. The acidic pH keeps only the vaginal mucosa in perfect condition, and the pH of the mucosa is not broken.
Price: 13.97 €
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Product specifications
Specifier Value
Purpose intimate care, cosmetic care
Product Type foam, foam care


Vidermina Prebiotic Cleansing Foam  is an innovative cleansing cosmetic product with an acidic pH between 3 and 3.5 units. The acidic pH keeps only the vaginal mucosa in perfect condition, and the pH of the mucosa is not destroyed.

Vidermina Prebiotic Cleansing Foam is enriched with ?-glucooligosaccharide, lactic acid and panthenol. Lactic acid maintains the protection of the vaginal mucosa, as it maintains a low pH of the mucosa and thus does not upset the balance.

Panthenol has a regenerative effect, pleasantly nourishes the mucosa. The cleansing foam gently cleanses and nourishes the intimate areas, and most importantly, keeps the vaginal pH intact. The foam also regulates the microbiological flora, stimulates the growth of positive bacterial cultures.

Use and tips

Shake Vidermina Prebiotic cleansing foam well before use to mix all the ingredients of the cosmetic product .

The product is under pressure, it is an aerosol, so use it only in an upright position.

Use Vidermina Prebiotic cleansing foam for the purpose of cleaning the external parts of the genitals, it is also completely free of suitable for cleaning the perianal area.

Advantages of Vidermin Prebiotic foam

  • does not contain sls, sles and other foaming means
  • does not contain parabens and harmful preservatives
  • does not contain dyes
  • does not contain traces of wheat, etc. allergens
  • contains heavy metals (chromium, nickel, cobalt, lead)

The product is dermatologically and allergologically tested.

< h4> Special warnings for use

The product is under pressure, suitable for external use only

If foam comes into contact with the eyes: rinse the eyeball with plenty of warm water; if you wear contact lenses, remove them first.

Additional description



H229: Pressurized container: may explode if heated.

P102: Keep out of reach of children.

P210: Keep away from heat / sparks / open flames / hot surfaces. No smoking.

P211: Do not spray on a naked flame or any incandescent material.

P251: The container is under pressure: do not pierce or burn it even when it is empty.

P410: To read from sunlight.

P412: Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50 ° C / 122 ° F.

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Ratings and Reviews

| 4/14/2021 6:58 PM
Odlična, vendar kar draga
To je čistilna pena, ki so jo mnoge uporabnice zelo prehvalile, tako da sem si jo želela preizkusiti. Kar nekaj časa ni bila na zalogi, tako da sem jo nestrpno čakala. Zaenkrat sem z njo zelo zadovoljna. Nežno čisti in pomaga vzdrževati primeren pH ter lokalno vaginalno floro. Sama jo dobro prenašam in nimam nobenih težav ob uporabi te pene. Je odišavljena, ampak je vonj nežen in nevsiljiv. Minus je visoka cena, saj je v primerjavi z drugimi intimnimi mili, ki sem jih do sedaj uporabljala in bila z njimi prav tako zadovoljna, precej dražja.
| 12/11/2019 4:09 PM
Odlično intimno čistilo
Preizkusila sem že neomejeno količino intimnih čistil, ker imam večkrat težave z vnetji.. in lahko samozavestno povem, da je ta probiotična pena ena izmed boljših. Pena je res bogata, nima pretiranega vonja, zelo nežno diši in zelo dobro očisti, vseeno pa je nežna do nožnice. Odkar jo uporablja v kombinaciji CLX globulami (tiste uporabljam občasno eno na 7-14 dni) še nisem imela nobenega vnetja in nobenih težav. Cena je res višja, a vsekakor mislim, da je pena absolutno vredna nakupa, sploh če imate težave.
| 11/15/2019 10:40 AM
Odlična za čiščenje intimnih predelov
Ker sem se pogosto srečevala z vaginalnimi vnetji, sem se odločila, da preizkusim izdelke Vidermina. Sprva sem uporabljala zgolj vaginalne globule, ki so stanje trenutno sicer izboljšale, vendar pa so se mi vnetja ponavljala. Spoznala sem, da je bilo intimno milo, ki sem ga takrat uporabljala, zame neustrezno oz preveč agresivno za mojo sluznico ter da zato samo z globulami vaginalnega stanja ne bom uspela povsem urediti, zato sem se odločila, da poizkusim še s čistilno peno Vidermina. Čistilno peno Vidermina uporabljam za čiščenje intimnih predelov sedaj že skoraj eno leto in v tem času sem opazila občutno izboljšanje, v kombinaciji z globulami pa so vnetja skoraj povsem izginila.
| 6/7/2018 6:50 PM
Super krema
Tole kremo pa uporablja žena, enkrat so ji svetovali v lekarni in od takrat jo skozi uporablja.... Jaz ji pa to mimogrede kupim v vaši lekarni...



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