Online scams are happening and as a result we have, even though this is the safest way to shop so far, still have some doubts about how safe it is to entrust someone with a card as well as personal information through an online store.
When we want to order products, we will most likely buy them where we feel safe, where the ordering process will be easy and where the response to the order will be professional.
We also offer this in our online pharmacy in
The server on which the online store is located is located in the collocation space of the company, Amis doo at the location Tržaška cesta 85, 2000 Maribor. The rooms are locked and protected by an alarm.
Physical security is provided by network control operators and the security company.
As part of the work obligations of employees in the workplace. The network monitoring service operator also includes daily checks on the implementation of certain security measures.
In order to ensure the uninterrupted (technical) operation of AMIS's network, the Network Surveillance Service is present on the 1st floor of the building 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and is consequently responsible for ensuring the implementation of certain security measures to prevent destruction, damage, theft and other forms of harmful action.
The network surveillance operator on duty shall carry out a patrol security measure every day at 11 pm and 7 am.
Network Monitoring Service Operator on Duty:
The security company provides the following services:
At its own discretion, the security company performs preventive external patrols of the building and inspections of the immediate surroundings of the building according to a random time program (time paths of the patrol are randomly determined), with the aim of protecting the collocation space of AMIS doo. , latches, glass surfaces). Checks that windows and doors are tightly closed, locked and undamaged.
The entrance to the area where the server is located is protected by an anti-burglary door, magnetic sensors are installed to detect the opening and forced opening of the door, and sensors to detect movement in the room. To enter the room, it is necessary to enter the code in the encoder, which is located in front of the door or entrance to the administrative area. All accesses to the room are recorded and in case an alarm is triggered, this anzaz is in the security control center (VNC) of the security company.
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