Spitaderm disinfectant solution, 500 mL
Spitaderm disinfectant solution, 500 mL
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Spitaderm disinfectant solution, 500 mL

Manufacturer: Ecolab
Skin disinfectant solution for general disinfection.

For this purpose, send us an order form if you want to buy this product for professional use! You can scan the order form or send it to us by fax: 07 3888 000
Price: 10.30 €
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Product specifications
Specifier Value
Product Type Professional product, biocide
Purpose disinfection


Attention: The safety data sheet is available down. 

Read the label carefully before use and follow the instructions for use!
Refer to the safety data sheet in Chapter 2, Section 2.2 Label elements or Chapter 15 Regulatory information.

It inactivates HIV and HBV


For skin disinfection. It destroys bacteria (including Tbc), flive, Rota-, Herpes-, Hepatitis B- and AIDS-HIV viruses.


100.00 g of Spitaderma contains: 70.00 g of 2-propanol, 0.50 g of chlorhexidine digluconate, 0.45 g of hydrogen peroxide.


Prepared solution for skin disinfection before operations, injections, punctures, before blood sampling, vaccination, for HBV and HIV prophylaxis.


skin disinfection: spray the undiluted solution and allow to dry for 1 minute. Allow the product to dry for at least 1 minute before enzymatic detection of blood glucose.

It must not come into contact with surfaces that are not resistant to alcohol. Wait for the product to dry before using electrical appliances. Observe the expiration date and safety instructions. Store in the original package at a temperature up to 25 ° C.


isopropyl alcohol, R 11 Highly flammable, S 16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking, S25 Avoid contact with eyes.

Side Effects

Allergic skin reactions to chlorhexidine are not excluded

Additional description



Opozorila o nevarnosti:

H225 Lahko vnetljiva tekočina in hlapi.

H319 Povzroča hudo draženje oči.

H336 Lahko povzroči zaspanost ali omotico.

H412 Škodljivo za vodne organizme, z dolgotrajnimi učinki.


Obvestila o nevarnosti:


P210 Hraniti ločeno od vročine, vročih površin, isker, odprtega ognja in drugih virov vžiga. Kajenje prepovedano.

P273 Preprečiti sproščanje v okolje.



P305 + P351 + P338 PRI STIKU Z OČMI: Previdno izpirati z vodo nekaj minut. Odstranite kontaktne leče, če jih imate in če to lahko storite brez težav. Nadaljujte z izpiranjem.

P337 + P313 Če draženje oči ne preneha: poiščite zdravniško pomoč/ oskrbo.

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Ratings and Reviews

| 8/5/2016 2:00 AM
Z izdelkom sem zelo zadovoljen, saj mi skrajša celjenje herpesa, ki se običajno pojavi pri oslabljenem imunskem sistemu.



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