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Iodine replacement

Iodine replacement is essential for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as sufficient iodine intake is crucial for the normal development of the brain and nervous system in the fetus and infant. Iodine deficiency during this sensitive period can cause permanent cognitive and developmental disorders in the child. Therefore, pregnant women and nursing mothers must take special care of sufficient iodine intake through food or supplements.

More about the category: Iodine replacement

Iodine replacement is adding iodine to the diet to prevent a deficiency of this vital mineral. Iodine is an essential element that the body needs to produce thyroid hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, and development. Iodine is essential for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, a gland located in the neck that produces the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones affect almost all cells in the body and regulate the rate of metabolic processes, heart rate, body temperature, and much more. Iodine deficiency can cause many health problems. One of the most well-known consequences of iodine deficiency is goiter. This enlarged thyroid gland results from the gland's attempt to produce enough thyroid hormones in the absence of iodine. Long-term iodine deficiency can also lead to more severe conditions, such as hypothyroidism (reduced thyroid activity), mental retardation, developmental problems in children, and even cretinism, a severe form of physical and mental retardation resulting from iodine deficiency in childhood.

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Basic compact, 360 tablets

44.27 €

Center from A to Z, 30 tablets

15.30 €

Dermax capsules - internal cleansing, 30 caps...

23.42 €

Divinita Original prebiotic + brown seaweed, ...

38.95 €

Dr. Böhm Omega 3 complex, 30 capsules

From 17.73 €

Femibion ??1 with vitamin D and iodine, 28 ta...

17.05 €

Femibion 2 with vitamin D and iodine, 28 tabl...

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FertilUp capsules for men, 60 capsules

30.46 €

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