DLux 1000 is a new innovata product in the form of an oral spray, intended to replace reduced levels of vitamin D in the body. The product DLux 1000 spray is intended for everyone, younger people, children and also adults and all those who find it difficult to swallow pills. It is also suitable for vegetarians or all those who do not eat meat.Vitamin D is nowadays found in many nutritional supplements in the form of tablets, capsules and also in the form of drops (some of them are available over the counter, and some preparations are also available with a doctor's prescription). The extreme convenience of the DLux spray is perfect for anyone who is more mobile, take it on trips, trips...DLux spray has also been tested with the aim of its efficiency and usefulness would be as convincing as possible. Experts have found that DLux spray ensures immediate absorption of more than a third of the spray through the oral mucosa itself. The composition of the spray itself is roughly similar in its properties to the properties of intravenous blood.
DLux 1000 Vitamin D spray is an innovative food supplement that includes the key vitamin D3 in a concentration of 1000 IU, which is 500% of the daily requirement for vitamin D. DLux 1000 Vitamin D is designed in the form of a spray, which is ideal for all , who have problems swallowing capsules and tablets. The spray has been scientifically proven to ensure extremely fast and effective absorption. It has a pleasant peppermint taste and is sufficient for about 100 days of use.
Vitamin D is both a nutrient that we eat and a hormone that our body produces. It is a fat-soluble vitamin.
Many body organs and tissues have receptors for vitamin D, suggesting an important role in addition to bone health, and scientists are actively investigating other possible functions.
DLux 1000 Vitamin D spray has been tested in order to make its effectiveness and usefulness as convincing as possible. Experts have found that DLux spray provides immediate absorption of more than 1/3 of the spray, already through the oral mucosa itself.
The composition of the spray itself is roughly similar in its properties to the properties of intravenous blood.
Vitamin D contributes to:
Spray the DLux 1000 nutritional supplement under the tongue once a day. Shake before use to mix all the ingredients of the spray. Use the product within six months after first use.
1 spray contains 1000 I.U. (25 mcg) of vitamin D3, which represents 500% of the recommended daily dose, which was determined by the Regulation on food supplements of the Republic of Slovenia. children from birth to one year 25 µg (1000 IU), from 1 to 10 years 50 µg (2000 IU) and from 11 years and above, including pregnant and lactating mothers, 100 µg (4000 IU).
The recommended daily dose is one spray containing 25 µg or 1000 IU of vitamin D3, which is 500% of the recommended daily intake.
The spray is most effective if sprayed directly under the tongue or on the inside of the cheek.
DLux 1000 is a completely natural source of vitamin D and is intended for all those people who:- do not expose themselves to the sun at least a few times a week for a minimum of 15 minutes; by exposure to the sun and its UV rays (these are not always only harmful and the human body needs them), we ensure the conversion of vitamin D in the appropriate body-acceptable form
- they take medicines that have side effects (mainly effects on the metabolism of vitamin D).- they do not eat meat and do not obtain a sufficient amount of vitamin D from a vegetable diet.
According to health guidelines from 2010, it is known that adding vitamin D to the diet is essential already in the first week after birth. This is especially important for children who are fed with milk formulas.
water, sweetener: xylitol, emulsifier: gum arabic, cholecalciferol (vitamin D3 from lanolin), emulsifier: sunflower lecithin (tricalcium phosphate, rice flour), acidity regulator: citric acid, preservative: potassium sorbate, peppermint oil .
In 2016, the National Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia determined that the recommended daily dose of vitamin D for people over one year old is 20 µg (800 IU), which would mean that the content of one dose represents 125% of the Slovenian recommended daily intake.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) determines that the upper amounts of the daily intake of vitamin D are acceptable:
Healthy bones
Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium in the intestines and helps maintain adequate levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, which is necessary for healthy bone mineralization.
Vitamin D deficiency in children can cause rickets, which leads to a crooked appearance due to softening of the bones. Similarly, in adults, vitamin D deficiency manifests as osteomalacia, or softening of the bones. Osteomalacia causes poor bone density and muscle weakness.
Long-term vitamin D deficiency can also manifest itself as osteoporosis.
Immune system
Adequate intake of vitamin D can support the good functioning of the immune system and reduce the risk of autoimmune diseases.
Researchers believe that vitamin D plays an important role in the functioning of the immune system. It is believed that there may be a link between long-term vitamin D deficiency and the development of autoimmune conditions such as diabetes, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis, but more research is needed to confirm the link.
Test tube studies have shown that vitamin D has a positive effect on the immune response of human cells.
What can cause vitamin D deficiency?
Although the body can make vitamin D, some people are more likely to be deficient than others. Factors that can affect this are:
Skin color
skin pigmentation reduces the body's ability to absorb the sun's ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. Absorption of sunlight is crucial for the skin to produce vitamin D.
Lack of sun exposure
People who live in northern areas or areas with high pollution, work night shifts or spend a lot of time at home should aim to get vitamin D from food sources whenever possible.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all breastfed infants receive 400 international (IU) oral vitamin D per day.
Older adults
The ability of the skin to synthesize vitamin D decreases with age. Older adults may also spend more time indoors.
Conditions that limit fat absorption
Vitamin D is fat-soluble, which means that intake depends on the gut absorbing dietary fat. Conditions that limit fat absorption may reduce dietary vitamin D intake.
People with obesity
High levels of body fat can limit the body's ability to absorb vitamin D from the skin.
Gastric bypass surgery
This operation bypasses the part of the upper intestine that absorbs large amounts of vitamin D. This bypass can cause a deficiency.
What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in adults?
Most people with vitamin D deficiency show no symptoms. However, chronic deficiency can lead to hypocalcemia, a calcium deficiency disease, and hyperparathyroidism, where the thyroid gland creates a hormonal imbalance that increases calcium levels in the blood.
These conditions can cause secondary symptoms, including:
If vitamin D deficiency persists for a long time, it can cause complications such as:
Zdrave kosti
Vitamin D spodbuja absorpcijo kalcija v črevesju in pomaga vzdrževati ustrezno raven kalcija in fosforja v krvi, kar je potrebno za zdravo mineralizacijo kosti.
Pomanjkanje vitamina D pri otrocih lahko povzroči rahitis, kar vodi do skrivljenega videza zaradi mehčanja kosti. Podobno se pri odraslih pomanjkanje vitamina D kaže kot osteomalacija ali mehčanje kosti. Osteomalacija povzroči slabo kostno gostoto in mišično oslabelost.
Dolgotrajno pomanjkanje vitamina D se lahko kaže tudi kot osteoporoza.
Imunski sistem
Ustrezen vnos vitamina D lahko podpira dobro delovanje imunskega sistema in zmanjša tveganje za avtoimunske bolezni.
Raziskovalci menijo, da ima vitamin D pomembno vlogo pri delovanju imunskega sistema. Verjamejo, da lahko obstaja povezava med dolgotrajnim pomanjkanjem vitamina D in razvojem avtoimunskih stanj, kot so sladkorna bolezen, astma in revmatoidni artritis, vendar je za potrditev povezave potrebnih več raziskav.
Študije v epruveti so pokazale, da ima vitamin D pozitiven učinek na imunski odziv človeških celic.
Kaj lahko povzroči pomanjkanje vitamina D?
Čeprav telo lahko ustvari vitamin D, je pri nekaterih ljudeh tveganje za pomanjkanje bolj verjetno kot pri drugih. Dejavniki, ki lahko vplivajo na to, so:
Barva kože
pigmentacija na koži zmanjša sposobnost telesa, da absorbira ultravijolične B (UVB) žarke sonca. Absorpcija sončne svetlobe je ključnega pomena, da koža proizvaja vitamin D.
Pomanjkanje izpostavljenosti soncu
Ljudje, ki živijo na severnih območjih ali območjih z visoko onesnaženostjo, delajo v nočnih izmenah ali pa preživijo veliko časa doma, bi si morali prizadevati za uživanje vitamina D iz virov hrane, kadar koli je to mogoče.
Ameriška akademija za pediatrijo priporoča, da vsi dojeni dojenčki prejmejo 400 mednarodnih (i.e.) peroralnega vitamina D na dan.
Starejši odrasli
Sposobnost kože, da sintetizira vitamin D, se s starostjo zmanjšuje. Prav tako starejši odrasli lahko preživijo več časa v zaprtih prostorih.
Stanja, ki omejujejo absorpcijo maščobe
Vitamin D je topen v maščobi, kar pomeni, da je vnos odvisen od črevesja, ki absorbira prehranske maščobe. Pogoji, ki omejujejo absorpcijo maščob, lahko zmanjšajo vnos vitamina D s hrano.
Ljudje z debelostjo
Visoka raven telesne maščobe lahko omeji sposobnost telesa, da absorbira vitamin D iz kože.
Operacija želodčnega obvoda
Ta operacija obide del zgornjega dela črevesa, ki absorbira velike količine vitamina D. Ta obvod lahko povzroči pomanjkanje.
Večina ljudi s pomanjkanjem vitamina D ne kaže simptomov. Vendar pa lahko kronično pomanjkanje povzroči hipokalcemijo, bolezen pomanjkanja kalcija in hiperparatiroidizem, kjer žleze ščitnice ustvarijo hormonsko neravnovesje, ki zviša raven kalcija v krvi.
Ta stanja lahko povzročijo sekundarne simptome, vključno z:
Če pomanjkanje vitamina D traja dlje časa, lahko povzroči zaplete, kot so:
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