Dianatal delivery gel, 6x5 mL
Dianatal delivery gel, 6x5 mL
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Dianatal delivery gel, 6x5 mL

Manufacturer: Glaxosmith kline
Dianatal shortens the time of childbirth and prevents damage to the perineum.
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Price: 76.99 €
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Quantity 3+
Price 75.56 €
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Product specifications
Specifier Value
Purpose ease, easier delivery, childbirth
Mark obstetric gel
Product Type lubricant, delivery gel, gel


Dianatal shortens the time of childbirth and prevents damage to the perineum.

Dianatal delivery gel is:
  •sterile and is available in sterile packaging
  •mucoadhesive in the vagina
  •does not cause allergies and is non-pyrogenic
  •electrically conductive and isotonic
  •latex free
  •without preservatives
  •compatible with skin and mucous membranes

Dianatal was developed in Vagina to facilitate vaginal delivery. Dianatal is made in Germany.   Dianatal is the only licensed lubricant gel in the world.

Dianatal delivery gel is specially developed to help with vaginal delivery. The birth gel creates a low-friction bioadhesive coating in the vaginal birth canal, thus reducing the friction between the baby and the vaginal birth canal, which can otherwise complicate childbirth.
Dianatal childbirth gel can be used for first-borns and for women who have already given birth, after a cesarean section or to complete childbirth with vaginal surgery.

Dianatal delivery gel is mainly used:
- to facilitate vaginal delivery to protect the mother and child by reducing friction, which may impede delivery in both first-borns and women who have already given birth, by caesarean section, for water births, for premature births, for rupture of the amniotic sac,
- for assistance in the event of a prolonged birth,
- to facilitate vaginal surgery,
- to protect the perineum during vaginal delivery,
- to facilitate manual removal of the placenta.

Why use Dianatal birth control gel?

Dianatal birth gel
•allows for a shorter and less painful birth process
•saves energy for both mother and baby
•protects the pelvic floor muscles, vaginal tract and perineum

Dianatal delivery gel forms an adhesive and lubricating film on the vaginal area, which reduces the force of resistance and enables easier sliding. Dianatal gel thus helps to make it easier for the baby to slide through the birth canal. This not only facilitates childbirth, but also protects the vagina. Dianatal has been shown to shorten the delivery phase by up to 30% (106 min)

Vaginal tissue and perineal tissue may suffer spontaneous ruptures during childbirth. Such ruptures occur in approximately 45% of all vaginal births. In certain cases, the midwife or obstetrician tries to prevent the uncontrolled formation of tears, so the perineum is cut.

Investigations show that using Dianatal gel significantly fewer such complications, less   ruptured perineum, etc. other complications in childbirth.

The medicine should only be used by qualified obstetric staff (midwives and doctors).

How can I use Dianatal Maternity Gel during childbirth?

Tell your doctor or midwife that you would like to use Dianatal labor gel during labor.

Does Dianatal maternity gel cover ZZZS?
Dianatal maternity gel is not covered by compulsory health insurance. Check the possibility of reimbursement (some insurance companies in the EU reimburse costs at the request of the user). Ask your health insurance company for more information.

Where can I Get Dianatal Birth Gel?
Dianatal Maternity Gel is sold only in pharmacies, on the advice of doctors and midwives.
Don't wait until the last minute, get a Dianatal Kit to be your suitcase ready for the time when it will be necessary to go to the maternity hospital.

Are there any risks of using Dianatal gel?

Dianatal maternity gel works on a purely physical basis. It does not contain active ingredients and   therefore it is not absorbed into the body. Tolerance and safety for mother and child (vagina, skin, eyes, nose and mouth) are subject to rigorous clinical testing.

Is the composition of all Dianatal gel dispensers the same?

Yes - the composition is the same.

Dianatal gec has no side effects or possible interactions with other drugs.

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Ratings and Reviews

| 8/18/2020 1:18 PM
Thank you!
Totally satisfied with service, biggest recommendations!
| 11/10/2019 6:27 PM
Pa začnimo,
1 ) vseh 6 kapsul gela so enake, ni nobenih faz uporabe pri porodu.
2 ) teh kapsul je preveč moja punca je porabila 3, kolegice tudi za več ko 4 še nisem slišal, tako da komplet 4 ih cenejših bi bilo boljše.
3 ) gel moram pohvalit moja je imela prvi porod (teža novorojenčka 3.080 kil ) pa se ni nič raztrgala, tudi babica je gel pohvalila.
4 ) dostava je bila pravočasna.
| 9/24/2018 6:44 PM
Thank you! very fast shipping, totally satisfied customer!
| 12/25/2017 4:02 PM
Lekarna Žužemberk hvala za hitro - expresno dostavo!
| 5/8/2017 4:25 PM
Potrebna informacija!
Zanima me glede Dianatal porodnega gela. Pred štirimi leti, ko sem prvič rodila, sem ga uporabila pri porodu. Na tubicah so bile napisane številke, saj naj bi se posamezna tuba uporabila v različnih fazah poroda. Prijateljica, ki ga je uporabila pri porodu pred enim mesecem, pa mi je povedala, da so sedaj vse tube enake. Ali je to res? Ona je porabila le eno (za hitrejše odpiranje), ostale pa so ji ostale neodprte. Zanima me, če so vse enake in bi jih lahko uporabila tudi jaz ali se med seboj razlikujejo?
Hvala za odgovor.
Vse tube v Dianatal porodnem gelu imajo enako sestavo. Gospa lahko brez skrbi uporabi neodprte tube, ki so ostale prijateljici.
Lep pozdrav, Moja-lekarna.com</odg>




Kaj je Dianatal obstetrični gel?

Dianatal obstetricni gel je lubrikantni gel, ki se uporablja med porodom - omogoča namreč krajši in predvsem manj boleč proces rojstva. Gel vsebuje sestavine, ki pomagajo ohranjati vlažnost porodnega kanala in zmanjšujejo trenje med porodom - ob enem pa ne škodujejo otroku.

Ali je Dianatal obstetricni gel varno uporabljati med porodom?

Dianatal obstetricni gel je varno uporabljati med porodom, saj vsebuje izključno sestavine, ki ne škodijo otroku in je primeren za uporabo v medicinski stroki v času poroda. Gel je bil testiran in odobren s strani strokovnjakov.

Kaj pomeni beseda rojstvo oziroma porod?

Rojstvo ali porod je proces, ki se zgodi, ko se otrok rodi v svet. To se običajno začne pri osebi ženskega spola z znaki, kot so bolečine v spodnjem delu trebuha in krčenje maternice, in se konča z iztisom otroka iz materinega telesa. Porod lahko poteka na različne načine, od naravnega poroda brez medicinskega posega do poroda s pomočjo posebnih naprav ali operacije oziroma carski rez kot mu pravimo. Po porodu se otrok loči od placente in postane neodvisen od tovrstnega načina prehranjevanja. Otroci se običajno rodijo s pomočjo porodničarja ali zdravnika, ki skrbi za zdravje matere in otroka med porodom.

Ali je Dianatal obstetricni gel varno uporabljati med porodom?

Dianatal obstetricni gel je varno uporabljati med porodom, saj vsebuje izključno sestavine, ki ne škodijo otroku in je primeren za uporabo v medicinski stroki v času poroda. Gel je bil testiran in odobren s strani strokovnjakov.

Kako se uporablja Dianatal obstetricni gel?

Dianatal obstetricni gel se uporablja tako, da se nanese predvsem na območje, skozi katero drsi otrok med samim porodom. Gel se lahko uporablja kadarkoli med porodom, ko je potrebno lajšanje in olajšanje procesa rojevanja.


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