Detralex film-coated tablets are an innovative medicine that is mainly used to treat the symptoms of chronic disease, mainly related to veins. You should take the medicine mainly for the purpose of treating the symptoms of chronic venous disease, and you can also use the medicine with benefit in the case of acute hemorrhoidal disease.
Hemorrhoids are a common problem that almost every person faces at least once in his life - hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the area of the anus and in the lower part of the rectum, they are similar varicose veins.
Hemorrhoids can develop in the rectal area (internal hemorrhoids) or under the skin around the anus (external hemorrhoids). Almost three out of four adults will suffer from hemorrhoids today, which can be attributed to today's pace of life, processed foods and physical inactivity.
With the use of Detralex tablets and some healthy habits, you can get rid of chronic venous disease in the shortest possible time.
Pharmaceutical form: Detralex film-coated tablet containing 450 mg of diosmin and 50 mg of flavonoids expressed as hesperidin.
Active ingredients of Detralex tablets: diosmin and flavonoids expressed as hesperidin.
Therapeutic indications
Detralex film-coated tablets are intended for the treatment of symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency, lymphedema and acute hemorrhoidal syndrome.
Do not use Detralex if you are hypersensitive to any of its ingredients. If you have additional questions, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
Precautions and warnings for use
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
The use of detralex in connection with the safety of use during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not yet been determined, so it is not recommended during this period. Consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medication.Interactions with other medications
Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, even if they were obtained without a prescription.
Follow your doctor's instructions exactly when taking pills. You should not change doses or stop treatment without first consulting your doctor.
Dosage of detralex film-coated tablets in the following cases
Oral use. Swallow Detralex tablets with a sufficient amount of liquid!Duration of treatmentThe doctor will tell you how long the treatment with the medicine will last. Do not stop treatment without consulting your doctor.OverdoseIf you have taken more than you should, consult your doctor immediately or the pharmacist.If you forget to take the medicineDo not take a double dose if you have forgotten to take the previous dose.
Like all medicines, the medicine can have side effects. At the beginning of treatment, the following may appear:
All the listed side effects of taking Detralex tablets are mild and almost never require
kinjati treatment.If you notice any side effect not mentioned in this instruction, inform your doctor or pharmacist.
Detralex coated tablets are available in different versions, from which you can choose:
Chronic vein disease, or more correctly, chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), occurs when the veins in the legs become damaged and cannot function as they should. Normally, the valves in the leg veins keep blood flowing back to the heart, but the condition of chronic venous insufficiency causes these valves to malfunction, causing blood to pool in the legs. This increases the pressure in the leg veins and causes symptoms such as swelling and ulcers - often life-threatening symptoms of venous disease.
Chronic venous insufficiency is a form of venous disease that occurs when the veins in the legs are damaged. As a result, these vessels cannot manage blood flow as well as they should, and blood from the legs has a harder time returning to the heart. CVI thus causes blood to accumulate in the veins of the legs, which causes high pressure in the veins.
Chronic venous disease can occur due to damage to any vein in the leg.
The disease can appear in the area:
Venic disease may initially cause only mild symptoms, but over time as the disease progresses, the condition can affect your quality of life and cause serious complications. Also avoid the development of possible symptoms of acute hemorrhoidal disease.
The medicine detralex is available in many packages, see versions above.
Detralex is available without a prescription.
Representative: Servier Pharma d.o.o. Podmilščakova ulica 24, 1000 Ljubljana
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Lymphedema, or lymphatic obstruction, is a long-term condition in which excess fluid builds up in the tissues, causing swelling (edema).
The lymphatic system is part of the immune system and is crucial for the functioning of the immune system. A fluid called lymph circulates through the lymphatic system. Lymphedema is usually the result of a blockage of this system.
Lymphedema usually affects one of the arms or legs. In some cases, both arms or both legs may be affected. Swelling of the head, genitals or chest may occur in some patients.
Lymphedema is incurable, but can be controlled with proper treatment.
Experts believe that primary lymphedema is caused by a genetic mutation.
Secondary lymphedema can be caused by other conditions, such as infections and inflammatory diseases.
In some cases, lymphedema can cause skin infections and lymphangitis.
Protecting the skin can help reduce the risk of lymphedema.
Lymphedema is incurable. However, treatment can help reduce swelling and pain.
Complex decongestive therapy (CDT): It begins with a phase of intensive therapy, during which the patient receives daily treatment and training. This is followed by a maintenance phase where the patient is encouraged to take charge of their own care using the techniques they have learned.
The four components of CDT are:
Corrective exercises: These are light exercises aimed at stimulating the movement of lymph fluid from the limb.
Skin care: Good skin care reduces the risk of skin infections such as cellulitis.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD): A lymphedema therapist uses special massage techniques to move fluid into functioning lymph nodes where they drain. The therapist also teaches several massage techniques that can be used in the maintenance phase.
Multilayer Lymphedema Bandage (MLLB): Wrapped over the muscles surrounding the lymph vessels and nodes to keep fluid moving through the lymphatic system.
Surgery has historically had disappointing results compared to non-surgical therapies for lymphedema. However, a new surgical technique using liposuction has proven to be more successful. This removes fat from the affected limb, resulting in less swelling.
Primary lymphedema can be the result of mutations in some genes involved in the development of the lymphatic system. These faulty genes hinder the development of the lymphatic system and undermine its ability to drain fluid properly.
Secondary lymphedema has several possible causes, including:
Cancer surgery: Cancer can spread throughout the body via the lymphatic system. Sometimes surgeons remove lymph nodes to stop the spread. There is a risk that the lymphatic system is affected, leading to lymphedema.
Radiotherapy: Using radiation to destroy cancerous tissue can sometimes damage nearby healthy tissue, such as the lymphatic system; this can cause lymphedema.
Infections: A severe cellulitis infection can damage the tissue around lymph nodes or blood vessels. This can lead to scarring, which increases the risk of lymphedema. Certain parasitic infections can also increase the risk of lymphedema.
Inflammatory conditions: Conditions that cause swelling (inflammation) of tissue can permanently damage the lymphatic system, such as rheumatoid arthritis and eczema.
Cardiovascular diseasess: These are diseases that affect blood flow. Some patients with cardiovascular disease have a higher risk of developing lymphedema, such as DVT (deep vein thrombosis), venous leg ulcers, and varicose veins.
Injuries and trauma: Less commonly, severe skin burns or anything that causes excessive scarring can increase the risk of developing lymphedema.
Acute hemorrhoidal syndrome is a clinical condition resulting from varying degrees of hemorrhoidal disease with associated prolapse, strangulation, and thrombosis. Surgical treatment of acute hemorrhoidal syndrome with emergency hemorrhoidectomy is an effective intervention with acceptable morbidity.
Hemorrhoids are swollen, dilated veins that form inside and outside the anus and rectum. They can be painful, uncomfortable and cause rectal bleeding. Anyone can get symptomatic hemorrhoids, even teenagers. (Because hemorrhoids take time to develop, they are uncommon in children).
You may be more at risk if:
You are overweight/obese.
You are pregnant,
You eat food with little fiber.
You have chronic constipation or diarrhea.
Lift heavy objects regularly.
Hemorrhoids can occur inside or outside the rectum. The type depends on where the swollen vein develops. Types include:
External: swollen veins form under the skin around the anus. Your anus is the channel through which stool comes out. External hemorrhoids can be itchy and painful. They bleed occasionally. Sometimes they become filled with blood, which can clot. This is not dangerous, but it can cause pain and swelling.
Internal: Swollen veins form in the rectum. Your rectum is part of the digestive system that connects the colon to the anus. Internal hemorrhoids may bleed, but are usually not painful.
Prolapse: Both internal and external hemorrhoids can prolapse, meaning they stretch and bulge outside the anus. These hemorrhoids can bleed or cause pain.
Hemorrhoids often go away on their own without treatment. Symptoms such as pain and bleeding may last a week or a little longer. In the meantime, you can do the following to ease your symptoms:
Apply over-the-counter medications containing lidocaine, witch hazel, or hydrocortisone to the affected area.
Drink more water.
Increase fiber intake through diet and supplements. Try to consume at least 20-35 grams of fiber per day
Soak in a warm bath for 10 to 20 minutes a day.
Soften the stool by taking laxatives.
Take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain and inflammation.
Use toilet paper with lotion or wet wipes that can be flushed to gently dab and clean the bottom of the stool. To use a tissue or cloth moistened with water can also be used. (Throw wipes in the trash, not flush. Wash washcloths separately in hot water to prevent the spread of infections often found in feces.)
Swollen veins in and around the rectum are called hemorrhoids or golden veins.
They are common during pregnancy or after childbirth. Risk factors are obesity and consumption of food with insufficient fiber.
Hemorrhoids, swollen veins in the soft tissue around the buttocks and the lower part of the rectum, are a very common problem that about half of people will encounter at least once in their lives. Venous nodules around the buttocks are called external hemorrhoids, and those around the rectum are called internal hemorrhoids. If the latter bulge outwards through the buttocks, they are called prolapsing hemorrhoids; these are especially painful. Hemorrhoids often cause occasional bleeding, itching and pain. It is usually not a more serious disease, however, a solitary hemorrhoid can be a sign of colorectal cancer.
• They most often develop as a result of constipation, when a person strains to pass stool, which increases the pressure in the abdominal cavity and consequently causes swelling of the veins around the rectum. • Excessive nutrition can also cause pressure on the veins around the rectum and the development of hemorrhoids. • Similarly, the development of hemorrhoids can be caused by the pressure of the growing fetus during pregnancy.
Symptoms usually develop after a period of constipation and include: • fresh blood on the toilet paper or in the bowl after a bowel movement, • painful bowel movement, • discharge of mucus, which sometimes also causes itching, • visible swelling around the buttocks, • feeling of incomplete bowel emptying after defecation. A prolapsing hemorrhoid may slide out of the bowel through the buttock during a bowel movement and then crawl back up, or the person may have to push it back with a finger. Rarely, a blood clot (thrombus) forms in a prolapsing hemorrhoid, which causes severe pain and a visible bluish, grape-sized swelling. If you notice bleeding from the buttocks, consult a doctor immediately, especially if you are over 40 years old, as it may be a serious disease such as colorectal cancer.
• The doctor will most likely feel the rectum with a gloved finger. • If you have noticed bleeding from the buttocks, which could mean a serious illness, he will refer you for a colonoscopy. • Small hemorrhoids usually do not need to be treated. • Hemorrhoids that occur during pregnancy usually disappear soon after delivery. • Defecation can be facilitated by a diet with a lot of fiber and laxatives.
• Swelling and itching can be alleviated with corticosteroid ointments and suppositories, which are available without a prescription, and pain can be alleviated with an anesthetic spray.• Small internal hemorrhoids can be treated with sclerosing, in which the swollen vein is we inject an agent that causes the vein to shrink. • The doctor can also ligate the vein and the hemorrhoid eventually falls off. • Persistent, painful and bleeding hemorrhoids can also be removed with laser, electric or thermal energy, and surgical removal is also possible.
• take Detralex
If the problems do not go away despite the above measures, consult your doctor about the feasibility of surgical treatment.
Treatment is usually successful, but hemorrhoids can recur.
A rupture of the mucous membrane of the buttock or anal fissure is a tiny tear in the wall of the buttock that cannot heal, because the contraction of the sphincter muscle, also known as the anal sphincter, pulls the edges of the tear apart. It usually occurs after passing a larger, harder stool.
The problem causes severe pain, but is completely harmless. Because of the pain, people often even think of cancer. See a doctor, he will be able to put you at ease immediately.
SELF HELP • Soften the stool with laxatives.
• Prevent constipation by eating fiber.
• Ease the pain with anesthetic ointment, which will also speed up healing.
• Consider using Detralex tablets
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Diosmin is used to treat different blood vessel disorders, including hemorrhoids, varicose veins, impaired leg circulation (venous stasis), and eye or gum bleeding (hemorrhage). It is also used to treat swelling of the arms (lymphedema) and to protect against liver toxicity after breast cancer surgery.
Diosmin is not a recommended daily allowance. In particular conditions, the following doses have been studied: Chronic Venous Disease: 900 mg of diosmin plus 100 mg of hesperidin per day for up to 2 months.
Diosmin is a natural flavonoid found primarily in some citrus fruit peels, such as oranges and lemons.
Hesperidin is most widely used for blood vessel disorders such as hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and impaired circulation, either alone or in conjunction with other citrus bioflavonoids (such as diosmin) (venous stasis).
When used for short-term use for up to three months, Diosmin is safe for most individuals. Any side effects can be caused by it, such as stomach and abdominal pain, diarrhea, and headache. Do not take Diosmin for more than three months without medical supervision.
Vitamin C is known to prevent cell damage due to its antioxidant properties. These properties facilitate the development of collagen as well as reinforce blood vessels. These two factors help avoid the deterioration of varicose veins. Citrus fruits, peppers, onions, spinach, broccoli, and more can contain vitamin C
By reducing swelling (inflammation) and restoring normal vein function, Diosmin might work. It also seems that Diosmin has antioxidant properties.
Diosmin can make bleeding in individuals with bleeding disorders worse. If you have any bleeding problems, stop this supplement unless your healthcare provider directs you otherwise ( 30, 31 ). Diosmin should be avoided by children and adolescents since there is no available safety data in these age groups.
The procedure was widely known and did not impact pregnancy, development of the fetus, birth weight, growth of infants, and feeding. In the short term, 90 percent micronized diosmin and 10 percent hesperidin are safe, appropriate, and effective in the treatment of pregnancy hemorrhoids.
When taken by mouth in the short term, Diosmin is Probably SAFE for most people. Some side effects can be induced, such as stomach pain, diarrhea, dizziness, fever, redness of the skin and rashes, pain in the muscles, blood problems, and heart rate changes.
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