A.Vogel Extra intense eye drops, 10 mL
A.Vogel Extra intense eye drops, 10 mL
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A.Vogel Extra intense eye drops, 10 mL

Manufacturer: A.Vogel
A.Vogel Extra intense eye drops is an innovative medical device suitable for the treatment of redness, burning eyes, their unpleasant tingling and tired appearance.
Price: 11.60 €
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Product specifications
Specifier Value
Purpose eye care
Problem climate, burning eyes
Product Type drops, eye drops, eye drops



A. Vogel Extra intense eye drops is an innovative medical device suitable for treating redness, burning eyes, unpleasant tingling, and tired appearance.

If you rub your eyes too often and they turn red. As a result, the new A-corner product, Extra intense eye drops, is perfect for your eyes. The product is prepared from rubbish and moisturizing hyaluronic acid, which helps to moisturize and soothe the eyeball. In addition, the action of the drops is especially improved with a unique manufacturing process and is significantly stronger than ordinary drops.

These drops differ from the usual A. Vogel eye drops by twice the content of hyaluronic acid, which is the body's natural substance. As a result, drops with more intense action relieve more pronounced symptoms of dry eyes.

Extra intense eye drops - for vigorous eye hydration.

If your eyes are excessively irritated, especially dry (dry eye syndrome), using drops is very sensible and recommended. So use the drops in case you use the computer a lot, read a lot, or are under the influence of an unpleasant climate that dries out the eyes and further irritates them; Drops should be used to advantage by all users of contact lenses, the elderly, whose eyelids do not work well, etc.

With hyaluronic acid and ordinary powder (Euphrasia) to healthy eyes

A. Vogel Extra Intenseso eye drops are enriched with two extracts, the extract of common bumblebee and the addition of hyaluronic acid, the purpose of which is intensive moisturizing of the eyelids. The hyaluronic acid content in the drops is exceptionally high, as the drops contain twice as much hyaluronic acid as competing drops. Hyaluronic acid is also called a "water magnet" and enables excellent eyeball lubrication and prevention of dry eye syndrome.

Hyaluronic acid in A. Vogel Extra Intense Eye Drops are produced from plant origin. It does not contain genetically modified soy and is not of animal origin.

Dosage of Extra intense eye drops

A. Vogel Extra Intense Eye Drops have a highly convenient way of dosing - the very design of the container allows only one drop to be released from it at a time, so the consequent dosing of this medical device is straightforward and convenient. Always use only as much as needed.

Areas of application A.Vogel Extra intense drops

  • when your eyes hurt or feel uncomfortable
  • when the eyes are very watery and dry
  • when you think that your eyeball is excessively dry
  • when the glands of the eyelids do not function best
  • when your eyes are sensitive to light

Essential advantages of A.Vogel Extra intense drops

  • robust and more intensive operation
  • contains twice the value of hyaluronic acid
  • does not contain preservatives, as the packaging of the drops is in a very high-quality container
  • the drops can be used for six months after opening the product
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women can also use the drops
  • the container allows the dosing of only one drop at a time
  • the drops do not impair vision when applied to the eyeball, so you can generally see immediately after use.

Composition of A.Vogel Extra intense drops

Hyaluronic acid, Euphrasia Officinalis, contains sodium chloride, boric acid, disodium tetraborate decahydrate, and water.

Dosage of A.Vogel Extra intense drops

The drops are mainly suitable for use in adults, and the dosage should be as follows:

Apply one drop to each eye up to 5 times a day - if necessary, you can continue to use the drops, but if eye discomfort persists, consult your doctor.

How to use A.Vogel Extra intense drops

Wash your hands thoroughly and take care of hygiene before using the drops.

Remove the protective cap of the A. Vogel Extra intense drop pack

Before first use, turn the container upside down and press on the bottom until the first drop starts through the dropper. This prepares the container for use.

Prepare to take the drops by placing your head in a suitable position so that the drops do not slip out of the eye's mucous membrane. Tilt your head back slightly and push your lower eyelid down. Hold the container over your eye with your thumb and middle finger, and press your index finger to the bottom.

After ingesting the drops, close the eyelid slowly so that the fluid is evenly distributed throughout the eyeball. Then close the container with a lid.

Did you know?
Do you remember Kekec's stories? In this story, Aunt Pehta cures all eye problems with a trash can. The plant in folk medicine has long been considered a natural remedy for eye problems.

Frequently Asked Questions:

When it blows, or I am in an air-conditioned room, my eyes burn very much. Can I help myself with A. Vogel Extra Intense eye drops?
Of course. In addition to the mentioned factors, dry eyes also cause prolonged staring at various screens (computer, tablet, phone, TV & hellip;), heated rooms, polluted air, use of certain medications & hellip; In all these cases, the drops can bring relief, as they intensively moisturize the eye and thus alleviate the burning sensation in the eyes.

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Ratings and Reviews

| 3/23/2023 8:41 PM
Kapljice super, embalaža pa ...
Kapljic sicer še ne uporabljam dolgo, vendar lahko rečem, da so kar v redu. V navodilih sicer pogrešam podatek, ali so kapljice kompatibilne z mojo očesno boleznijo glavkom, čemur bi se, vsaj pri kapljicah za oči, lahko bolj posvetili vsi proizvajalci in ne le A. Vogel, toda zaenkrat nimam težav.

Kot rečeno, kapljice so super, sem pa RESNIČNO RAZOČARANA nad tako zelo opevano posebno embalažo "stekleničko" s tako zelo posebnim vsebnikom in možnostjo doziranja. Mirno si upam trditi, da bolj nerodne embalaže za uporabo, kot je tale, še nisem videla. Žal je narejena le za tiste s popolnoma FIT rokami, ki premorejo odličen oprijem, da sploh lahko odstraniš pokrovček vsebnika. In, ko že misliš, da si zmagal v tej bitki, pride na vrsto naslednja, še bolj nerodna stvar. Kdor nima dobrega oprijema, da bi prijel stekleničko tako, kot je razloženo v navodilih in s prostim prstom pritisnil na dno, ter tako vendarle uspel kaniti kapljico v oko, se tako rekoč lahko poslovi od vsega skupaj. Seveda lahko embalažo primemo tudi drugače in si, namesto, da bi držali veko očesa navzdol, pomagamo z drugo roko, toda ... če človek ne vidi dobro, si namesto kapljice v oko, lahko kaj hitro v oko porine sam vsebnik.

Dajte, ljudje pri tvrtki, ki proizvaja znamko A. Vogel, pomislite malo na tiste, ki nimajo zdravih rok in se raje vrnite h klasiki - klasični steklenički, ki jo brez težav odpreš, stisneš in kaneš kapljico v oko.

Stekleničko bom sedaj, seveda, nekako porabila, vendar, zdravila, ravno zaradi tako nerodne embalaže, verjetno ne bom kupila nikoli več.
| 4/16/2019 11:34 PM
Za nakup teh kapljic sem se odločila predvsem zaradi tega ker so naravne..kot vedno sem preučila sestavine in bila zelo zadovoljna kaj šele ko sem kapljice sprobala..odlične so !! zelo mi pomagajo, ker imam izredno občutljive oči pa še umetno podaljšane trepalnice imam, zato so moje oči še bolj nagnjene h vnetjem, rdečici in občutku peska v očeh zaradi samega lepila, ki se uporablja za aplikacijo le teh .. te kapljice mi zelo uspešno pomagajo odpraviti vse to in se mi zdi da po njih še boljše vidim ;) malo heca ampak dejansko res pomagajo - priporočam vsem !!!




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